Anish Kapoor

1. Research Kapoor's work in order to discuss whether it is conceptual art or not. Explain your answer, using a definition of conceptual art.
Sol LeWitt stated: “In conceptual art the idea or concept is the most important aspect of the work. When an artist uses a conceptual form of art, it means that all of the planning and decisions are made beforehand and the execution is a perfunctory affair. The idea becomes a machine that makes the art.” From this understanding I believe his work is loosely conceptual. He aimed to draw in his audience and include him in the piece but in order to do so Kapoor had to explore different materials and architecture in order to achieve what she intended. Her concept was developed along with the exploration of form and mediums.

2. Research 3 quite different works by Kapoor from countries outside New Zealand to discuss the ideas behind the work. Include images of each work on your blog.

'The Sky Upside-down' mirrors (one in Chicago and one in New York) express interesting ideas by trying to take the viewer away from there surroundings and focus on the sky creating a sense of sublime and tranqulity in a busy urban area. I like how rather then creating and imitating the scenery her works simply reflect what is already there. It makes the audience think beauty is all around me, i just have to look.

"Yellow" is a largely scaled yellow square which consumes the audiences attention. It uses fiberglass and 12 coats of paint to create an illusion of on first appearance having a predictable rounded form, but on closer inspection it is actually a concave shape. This illusion questions the audience whether "what we perceive is reality or imagination, a misunderstanding between the eye and the mind as one is overcome by a sea of colour"

"Inside Levitation" is a recent installation where she has created a giant spherical shape of colour. With this he attempted to bring the audience into "a space within a space" which also similarly to "Yellow" more forcibly consumes the audiences attention by completely surrounding them and containing them with the artwork physically. His aim to do this was to provide a space where people can contemplate and reflect in a poetic experience.

3. Discuss the large scale 'site specific' work that has been installed on a private site in New Zealand.

For "The Farm" to compete with the vast mountains and landscape it was required for him to create such a large scale work for people to take notice.

4. Where is the Kapoor's work in New Zealand? What are its form and materials? What are the ideas behind the work?

"The Farm" is located in Kaipara Bay and is a 85 meter long, 27 meters across. It consists of two elliptical steel rings connected by 32 cables covered in deep red PVC-coated polyester fabric made by Ferrari Textiles. It also weighs at 7,2000 kegs. Kappor often tries to use his works to compliment the surroundings and highlight different aspects. This work is an example of this and references to the surroundings by channeling wind from the harbor into the land. I would believe this would create a surreal effect if you were to stand inside of the work making you feel like you are wind itself.

5. Comment on which work by Kapoor is your favourite, and explain why. Are you personally attracted more by the ideas or the aesthetics of the work?

I really like how Kapoor tries to creates atmosphere with his works and not necessarily make a statement. His works take on a form of function rather then aesthetics to allow audiences to reflect and contemplate. I feel as if Kapoor understands that art in itself should have a function of reflecting rather then aesthetically pleasing. Another aspect Kapoor approaches which i like is he enhances the area then opposing to transform the area. It seems very humble and admirable that he works like this.

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Ruby Tuesday said...

I enjoyed reading your comments about Kapoor's work and the conceptual element of the pieces. I thought the description of the work as loosely conceptual was an interesting viewpoint and agree that his process is driven by material exploration which allows him to challenge viewers.I appreciated your comments on the work 'yellow' and found the issue of perceived reality to be a key point in understanding the aims of Kapoor's works.

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